Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fargo: the painting

"Fargo" was one of my favorite movies. When I worked in television, I was often asked by the studios to take a movie and make it into a television series. Sometimes a book becomes a movie and then a television series. Media is always morphing into another media. So I decided to take the movie "Fargo" and see if I could make it into a painting and still have the viewer relive the experience in a new way. In the movie, Margie's husband, Norm, was commissioned to create a painting for an upcoming 3 cent stamp. I used his painting as a springboard for this painting. All the major characters are now featured on 3 cent stamps. And, let's face it, the foot became the most memorable character in the movie. Had to include it, too! My hope is that it's a warm homage to a cold and brutal movie. You can click on the image to enlarge it

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